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Assignment 3: Composition in Three Genres and Two Media

For Assignment 3, students take the knowledge they gained through their assignment 2 research and re-present that knowledge in three new genres and two different media. Students construct the rhetorical situation/s to which their compositions respond, and compose their texts according to these choices. Like Assignment 2, this work is scaffolded through the completion of five short assignments: 


  1. Potential Genres Proposal

  2. Audience Strategy

  3. Research Sources Report

  4. Reflection

  5. Statement of Goals and Choices 

Individual Conferences

I hold individual conferences with each student after they complete their genres proposal and audience strategy. These conferences are guided by the questions and concerns students bring to conferences. 

The image above links to an ENC 1102 student's ePortfolio where she has posted all of the texts relating to her Assignment 3, including her four short assignments, composition in four genres, and statement of goals and choices.  

My comments on students' compositions-in-three genres are grounded in the reflective work that students complete in their statements of goals and choices (follow the link above for assignment description). 


After students have submitted their potential genres proposal, they are assigned to workgroups of 3-4 students. Workgroups provide feedback as projects develop and help each other troubleshoot technical issues. 

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