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Writing Studies Teacher & Researcher
Student Projects
The gallery below features a variety of student projects from my courses. All students with work featured in this gallery have given me permission to share their work.

ENC 2135 Collaborative Student Project: Rhetorical Situation Dream Catcher.
ENC 2135 Student Project on Writing for Film, featured in FSU's seventh annual Digital Symposium.

ENC 1102 Collaborative Student Project: Genre Form Fitter.
ENC 1145 Student ePortfolio.
ENC 2135 Student Research Essay, which received an honorable mention for the James McCrimmon Award.
ENC 2135 Student ePortfolio.
CARE Class 2016 - Kaya Dukes
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ENC 2135 Student Project: Kaya Dukes's audio recording, flyer, and project pitch.
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