Writing Studies Teacher & Researcher
As an administrator, I see writing programs as collaborative spaces in which students and faculty come together to generate new writing knowledge and writing practices. Three goals, which I detail below, guide my approach to administration: (1) fostering reflective teaching practices within the context of a balanced approach to disciplinary knowledge (e.g., Adler-Kassner and Wardle) and local programmatic values; (2) crafting a coherent program in response to institutional needs and in collaboration with writing instructors; and (3) developing a program assessment feedback loop for curricular enhancement. I have developed these goals through twp administrative experiences: first, while teaching as a lecturer at the University of Maine, I mentored a cohort of new graduate teaching assistants; second, at Florida State, I am assisting our WPA, Dr. Deborah Coxwell-Teague, in directing the College Composition Program.

Conversation Starter on Training in Transition, featuring Rachel Efstathion, Amy Cicchino, and Erin Workman.

Conversation Starter on Training in Transition, featuring Rachel Efstathion, Amy Cicchino, and Erin Workman.
Assistant Director of the College Composition Program
Florida State University, Summer 2015 - present
Co-taught summer training course for new teaching assistants
Invited guest speakers to pedagogy course with an eye toward increasing diversity of speakers and presentations
Gave presentations on using reflective writing in the composition classroom
Co-chaired College Composition Committee
Reviewed nominations and selected winners for the James M. McCrimmon Award for Excellence in College Composition
Revised and updated the Teachers' Guide
Co-designed and updated program website
Assistant to the Director of Rhetoric and Composition
Florida State University, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015
Composed and designed program newsletters for fall 2014 and spring 2015
Designed flyers for visiting speakers, Dr. Terry Myers Zawacki and Dr. James Porter
Arranged itinerary for visiting speakers
Supervised interview group for guest speakers
Assisted in facilitation of program meetings
Updated program website to reflect ongoing faculty and graduate student publications, presentations, and awards
Graduate Teaching Assistant Mentor
University of Maine, Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Co-designed ENG 101 assignment sequence for new GTAs
Led weekly discussion sessions on practical classroom issues
Observed GTAs teaching ENG 101 and composed observation letters for their files
Responded to GTA comments on student writing
Provided feedback to GTAs on their ENG 101 course plans
Met weekly with program directors to discuss progress of GTAs